Solar Decathlon reACT
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Earthen Sturcture Study
Solar Decathlon reACT
Solar Decathlon reACT

reACT: Resilient Adaptive Climate Transformation

University of Maryland’s nationaly winning submission to the 2017 Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon focused on creating a transformative architecture typology that could easily adapt to different environments and emerging technologies.

Through the implementation of modular construction and design of concentrated, accessible utilities, the reACT house provides a sustainable architecture that develops alongside an ever-chaning modern family.

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Earthen Sturcture Study
Earthen Sturcture Study

An independent study I put together showcasing how the house could be constructed with novel Earthen SIPS (Structurally Insulated Panels) and breathable Earthen Bricks.

The goal was to create a local, universal, sustainably sourced material system that could be modularly constructed en masse.
